Why no blog posts for such a long time? Well, shortly after my last post, we found out Ellie had received a lead role in the Greenwood Community Theaters production of 101 Dalmatians! Very exciting stuff. She loved every minute of it. But I am here to tell you there were lots and lots and lots and lots of minutes to be enjoyed! It was all worth it. What an educational experience. Priceless.
These last few weeks balancing the requirements of being in the show with all the other things of life have been an education for Ryan and I as well. Certainly for me anyway! I had no idea how difficult it was going to be to make the time to do fund raising for the mission field in the midst of our family life. I mean by the time I have done the laundry, taught school, prepared for school, cooked and cleaned, done play dates and field trips...let's face it, I'm beat! And ofcourse Ryan is still working 8 hours a day as well as his continuing resbonsibilities at church with music, youth and the diaconate. Sound a little crazy to you? Feels a little crazy to me. It becomes very tempting to get discouraged. A temptation I am afraid to say I have given in to on more than one occasion over the last few weeks!
Please pray for us! With the holidays approaching, life is not slowing down. It is our desire and prayer that we could have the money raised to set off to language school fall of 2011. When I look at our MTW account my sinful self cries Impossible! Pray that we as a family will continue to trust in God for all things concerning our family life and the mission field. Pray we will look to His perfect timing and trust in His will and grace to us.
Ellie in full costume as Spot, one of the stolen puppies! Although the play added a lot of busyness to our lives, this smile on her face made it more than worth while!
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