Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Applications Are In

After months of staring at our missionary applications Ryan and are pleased to announce that we have finished. Yesterday we emailed our applications to Mission To The World, the missionary organization of the Presbyterian Church of America. How does it feel? Ryan summed it up best. "Scary." There is no taking it back now. Our desire is out there for someone else to see and examine. What if they say no? What if they say yes!? What if they say go to Cambodia!!!
It is in MTW's hands now. But we still have much ahead of us. Even though the applications are done we must continue to be on our knees. Ryan and I have said from the beginning of this that we would trust what ever God would do. Ofcourse that is not always easy. But we are seeing truly that there is much to learn in every step of this journey. It is not just the end result. Whether we end up in Reynosa with Isaiah 55, somewhere else, or right here in Greenwood, God is teaching us and growing us. For example, part of the application was to take a Bible test. OY! Let's just say I won't be winning Bible Trivial Pursuit anytime soon. But what I will be doing is reading my Bible, all of it. And unlike other times I have attempted this, I will be paying attention, studying, and stopping in the places where God speaks to me, rather than zipping through in effort to meet the checklist. I was convicted by that test that I need to know God's Word. Not to pass a test or win a game, but because life requires knowledge so that I can stand against the enemy for myself, for my husband and for my kids!
Our next step will be a site visit down to Isaiah 55. We will meet the team and help with a work group while we are there. Ellie and John Thomas get to go with us and they are very excited. This will mean they get to fly for the first time! Please pray for us as we anticipate this trip. Pray for wisdom on both sides as we meet each other and ask God to show us if together we are a good fit for this ministry.
Thank you all so much. More to come!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Welcome to our blog. This is the story of our family's journey to becoming, and maybe someday being, missionaries in Reynosa, Mexico with the Isaiah 55 Deaf Ministries. Yes, missionaries. It is not a place I ever expected to be, and yet here we are. We are so excited at what God has done, is doing, and will do in the life of the Culbertson Clan. We are also thrilled to share with you all as we walk in this great adventure with God. Some of you have already been praying with us, and for some of you this is your first introduction to our belief that God is calling us to serve as missionaries. All of you are dear to us and we covet your prayers now as we see exactly where God will lead. Ryan and I have said from the beginning of this that if all God wants of us is to be willing to go and serve, and then He closes the door, then so be it. We will learn from that what God has for us to learn. As for now, we feel the door is still open. With our friends as prayer warriors and encouragers, we are walking through it...